To know what port you should be using when setting up your email in your PC, kindly refer to the following guide.
For cPanel services:
Port: 25 or 587. Type of connection available to use for this port number: TLS
Port: 143. Type of connection available to use for this port number: None
Port: 993. Type of connection available to use for this port number: TLS
Port: 110. Type of connection available to use for this port number: None
Port: 995. Type of connection available to use for this port number: TLS
For Plesk services:
Port: 25. Type of connection available to use for this port number: None
Port: 587. Type of connection available to use for this port number: TLS
Port: 143. Type of connection available to use for this port number: None
Port: 993. Type of connection available to use for this port number: TLS
Port: 110. Type of connection available to use for this port number: None
Port: 995. Type of connection available to use for this port number: TLS